The bags were exchanged and an art quilt was made for the owner of the bag.
Quilts were presented yesterday. We were also encouraged to create a second quilt for ourselves.
The bag is pictured, then the bag lady [the one who filled the bag and now owns the quilts]is on the left and the assembler is on the right.
Mary Henris <-- Lori Richardson
Lori's quilt and back of Mary's
Joanie DeGroot <-- Mary. Mary kept the roses and gave "what do you see?" to Joanie.
Laurie Mayo <-- Joanie Laurie chose the center quilt.
Gretchen Kemmer <-- Laurie [not quite finished with "here comes the sun"]
Pat Piacente <-- Sally Hamilton
Linda Koscianski <-- Pat Piacente
Lori Richardson <-- Gretchen
Sally <-- Linda
"Oasis" Mary Miller [absent]<-- Katherine McNeese
Katherine<-- Mary M [still absent]